Coffered ceilings are ceilings that have hollow panels with a decorative trim. These ceilings look like a large waffle with squares in your ceiling wall and they add a stylish and contemporary look to a room. The best rooms for coffered ceilings are the den, living room, bedroom and kitchen.
You can purchase some interior design books and magazines that feature how-to information on installing coffered ceilings. Another idea is to get advice from people you know who have coffered ceilings at home so you will know how to do this. Sometimes local home improvement stores may have seminars on coffered ceilings while online videos give visual instructions.
If you live in an urban apartment such as a condo or loft and you want a contemporary look to the ceilings, you can get a coffered tin ceiling. Coffered tin ceilings add a nice and funky look to these types of homes and they look beautiful too. Most home improvement stores have the materials you need for coffered tin ceilings.
To paint the ceiling, apply blue painters’ tape to the trims of the ceiling and then you need to put plastic sheeting on the floors so paint won’t get all over the floor. After you do this you should paint the edges and corners of the ceiling then paint the rest of the spaces in the ceiling.
The ceiling directly above the entrance foyer needs to be high to allow for light and openness. If you have a baby or pet, you should get a set of baby gates. It secures the stairs to allow babies or pets to roam free without the fear of falling. Just be sure to get the hardwired baby gates as it is more secure than the tension style.
Another benefit of coffered ceilings is that they absorb excess noise in a building and this is why these ceilings are often used in churches, sports arenas, radio stations, concert halls and sometimes schools. If you do not like a lot of outside noise interference in your home, use coffered ceilings.
White coffered ceilings are the popular choice regarding color but for those who want a bold look to coffered ceilings, they should look for creative colors when painting the beams that will be a part of the coffered ceilings. Some good color ideas include cherry oak, black walnut or burgundy.
In conclusion, coffered ceilings offer a trendy yet still old-school charm to your home and they do not cost a lot of money to install. In addition, you can do the project yourself.