A flooded basement can be a disaster for homeowners. In addition, a flooded basement can create a serious health and safety hazard.
If you have a leaky or flooded basement, if your basement shows visible moisture spots, or if your basement produce a musty or moldy smell, then your basement is showing signs of water damage. There can be many reasons behind the water in your basement such as plumbing leaks, leaky basement windows, or leaky basement foundation.
Did you know that basement flooding is one of the causes of a compromise in the structural integrity of your home? A leaky or flooded basement doesn’t only damage the surface of it, but it also goes further to get the foundation of your home damaged.
The major damage caused by the flood results from the impact of the rapidly moving waters to your home. The speed of the flooding pushes against the sides of your home and weakens the home’s structure and sometimes separates the building from its foundation. Besides, the flooding seeps deep into the earth surrounding the foundation, and pilings that are not built into load-bearing sections can be moved, broken or shifted. Therefore, a severe damage is done to the foundation and structure of the home.
In order to encourage homeowners to take action in protecting their homes against basement flooding subsidies are given to install flood protection devices such as sump pump installation and backwater valve installation. The city of Toronto has a Basement Flooding Subsidy Program that assists homeowners with a financial subsidy of up to $3,400 to install these flood protection devices.
Try as much as you can to reinforce the waterproofing of your home’s basement against flooding that can seep into your foundation and cause severe damages. If you are experiencing frequent basement flooding, Draintony specializes in basement waterproofing services.